Our social lives may be one of the most important facets of living that gets overlooked the most frequently - mainly because it is so misunderstood and misrepresented.
In truth, we are social creatures, and we need the love and support of others to thrive in every environment, regardless of their presence. Without the basis of human connection we will be unable to do much else.
Also, in truth, very few of us feel the type of love and connection that I am referring to. Many of us are considered lucky if we find that one person that 'completes' us, let alone a whole group of them! And really, there should be groups and groups of them...
Most of us feel the deepest sense of alone. It is terrifying... It is isolating... I've been there - I know.
Every situation is unique but the ultimate aim is to have friendships that are nourishing to your soul. Relationships that encourage us to thrive and grow are necessary in our life and, in fact, every relationship we have should be formed from this basis.
I will help you create that.