
The stigma around 'feelings' is strong in this culture - with half of us expected to have them in an exaggerated fashion and the other half not allowed them at all.

In truth, a well-balanced person will experience their emotions for all that they are : a response to a situation. And nothing more. They will not react out of violence or aggression. They will not withdraw into severe solitude and depression. They will simply allow their emotions to come and go without any attachment. This is the ultimate aim and, truthfully, most of us are very far from it. Most of us have no idea what a healthy emotional life would ever even look like.

And that's ok. That's what I'm here to show you! Again, life is a journey and it's only about learning.

The way to gain the upper hand in this aspect of living is to travel back to the beginning. We must explore the foundation of our psychological development in order to understand the patterns we live by now. Again, this isn't an incredibly difficult process, but it can be a trying one. Often delving in to our past can stir up the darkest of emotions and, in order to get past them, we must allow ourselves to experience them. The key here is to be in a safe environment, surrounded with love and support, so you can do so calmly and comfortably. I am here to facilitate that.

Once this foundation is exposed we are able to rebuild again, as conscious and aware adults, the life that we deserve to live. Now, equipped with healthy habits and beneficial patters of behavior, we will gain the self-confidence needed to embark on new endeavors and achieve the progress we've always dreamed of in this life time.

Again, it's actually not a very difficult process, so I look forward to helping you achieve much in these respects!