This facet of being is all about environment but I have chosen to call it 'atmosphere' in order to capture the full scope of it's meaning.
We may not realize it but we are highly effected by that which surrounds us. Be it people or place - it all matters. We are reactive creatures that respond to the stimuli that surrounds us and, if we are not conscious of these facts, we can end up in situations that cause us to behave in ways we otherwise never would've. We must be aware of this.
On the opposite hand, we are also contributing to the atmosphere that other's are experiencing. We exude, whether we want to or not, a frequency that is based off the integration (or disintegration) of all the facets of living. When we are in balance we exude a bright, powerful, and motivating frequency. When we are out of balance we exude a dark, negating and possibly even destructive frequency. Often we are unaware that we are emitting anything - as we are caught up in our own thoughts and emotions instead. But everyone and everything around us picks up what we put off, whether they are aware of it or not, and responds as such in return. It's sort of a 'cause-and-effect' situation and explains why so many negative patterns and cycles can be so difficult to overcome. The key here is awareness for, once we have it, we are able to choose consciously how we want to be, who we want to be with, where we want to spend our time, and so on so forth.
This whole process is very empowering and will be the beginning of positive life change for you. Taking control of your own personal atmosphere is the very first step in achieving true balance - for everything stems from there.
There are many tricks and tools to help aid this process - which I'd love to introduce and share. This may, in fact, be my favorite area to work so I always look forward to exploring here!
This is where we can truly harness our full potential and I look forward to the day where all of us are working together to create a world that is full, finally, of endless peace and positivity.
Here's to that.